Tips to fish biology
Fish Biology is the study of living organisms that live in water bodies, these being: salt and fresh water, oceans and coastal waters. In fish Biology which is also known as Marine Biology, students are taught the about habitats of aquatic living things, their structures, life cycles and their functions in their habitats. They also acquaint themselves with the interrelationships between living things and their environment. Many countries in Africa that have coastlines, Fish Biology as a course is appreciated, This is not to mean that landlocked countries do not have that chance, because scholarships are offered for interested parties to study it elsewhere. To succeed in fish Biology either as a course or career, there are a number of tips to consider:
– Academic background.
– Research.
– Be prepared to learn.
– Take notes and make use of them.
– Do not isolate yourself.
Academic Background
– Anyone who intends to study fish Biology either by a scholarship or personal sponsor should have some knowledge about what is expected of them, as well as how they can make it. Firstly, a bachelor’s degree is a key as it sets the base for fish Biology. Here, students take further courses on Biology, chemistry and some Biochemistry. Most importantly, Aquatic Ecology is a perfect combination for fish Biology because they are common in some aspects though different in terms of content.
– One of the basic elements in fish biology is the quantitative research that is involved while studying. With the specializations that come with graduate programs, diversity in the course demands commitment and focus. At this stage of study, students take courses involving measurement and analyzing data. In addition, Seminars and class presentations are common. This prepares students for further studies of Masters and Doctoral projects and research, where they write their dissertations based on their research findings
Be prepared to learn
– It is very difficult to succeed in fish biology if you do not attend your classes. Purpose to attend all the necessary activities related to your studies, this include group work and lectures. Before attending your lectures, it is crucial that you complete reading your set reading list and study exercises. This comes in handy in helping you have a deeper understanding of content as well as forming a basis of asking questions in class.
Take notes and make use of them
– It is prudent to take notes during lectures as it is to read them. Fish biology is one of those courses that you just appear in an exam room ready write your papers even having not gone through some reading. Fish biology is very involving. While you can take notes from a friend or colleague, it is not prudent to do this because interpretation of these notes is not the same. Everybody has their own ways of understanding their noted depending on the wording they use and therefore attach different meanings to them.
Do not isolate yourself
– Learning in isolation is paramount to failure in fish biology. Extensive research have proven that content is best understood when explained and learnt in groups. Compare your notes with your colleagues and ask questions. Although fish biology is more demanding than most would underestimate, it is also fun, and interesting when approached with the correct frame of mind.