Things to consider when doing fish farming
Technically known as aquaculture, fish farming is an idea generally embraced as the process of raising fish mainly for a set fishing industry which is fast growing not only in Africa, but other parts of the world. This farming has been encouraged by governments through incentives for inputs, loans, and scholarships in terms of studies and seminars on the same. This farming is not limited to water bodies only as many hold this idea, fish can be raised for commercial motive even on land. With some modification of land conditions, fish do well in ponds. As the word farming suggests in isolation, it involves a couple of processes to enjoy the end product. In this light, fish farming also has its own necessities that must be met if success has to be realized and it has to include all the aspects of a successful business. Some of these being fish food, environmental aspects, location of the fish firm and market structure among others.
– The fish farm / site
– Food and nutrition
– Market
– Prudent management and record keeping
– Water quality and supply
– Soil
The fish farm/ site
– While fish farms come in many makes. If its obligatory for any farmer or anyone interested to invest in fish farming in Africa or anywhere in the world, to understand that fish farms, fish tanks and other structure are build specifically to suit different types of fish species which do much better in such structures, to counteract the effect of predators and other external factors that would rather be avoided in fish farming. It is therefore very important to pay attention to the fish farm if succeeding in fish farming is ones primary goal. This is particularly practical if one intends to keep fish of the endangered species like Salmon and Trout, then a highly technological fish farm or pond comes in handy.
Food and nutrition
– Of all the major considerations in fish farming, food consumed by fish is undoubtedly among the aspects of this farming that affects profits. Though this cost varies by the quantity purchased, nutritional value (quality), labor, and means of delivery, the implication of all these costs can not be overruled. With this knowledge then, it is of great importance to plan on where you intend to get food for your fish. Interesting enough, aquatic plants help a lot when you build a fish farm of a pond.
– All the hard work and input would be null if one produce abundantly and lacks a market in which to sell their fish. It is in this light then, that analyzing the market structure and preferences come in. The market can be determined in terms of geographical location, who are willing to buy the fish? And the best means in which to get to them. It is obvious that the quality and the quantity of fish that one produces are determined by their market. This insight is fundamental because it virtually shapes your profit margins.
Prudent management and record keeping
– Fish farming is not for slow thinkers. This is one statement that I bet is not easily embraced. The success of this venture depends on good management because of the crises that could abruptly arise. For instance a lethal disease in a pond would be threatening to this farming. Consequently, a good manager whom is quick in decision making is needed. Before embarking on this venture, it is crucial to establish an effective management for maximum profit to be realized. Many countries in Africa provide scholarships to farmers to educate them in this kind of situations.
Water quality and supply
– The quality of water has a big role in success or failure of fish farming project. While water can be drawn from, springs, wells, lakes, and underground sources, water from wells and springs are preferable because of their low percentage of silt, aquatic insects which are viable predators and toxics. In addition, this water has high level of dissolved oxygen.
– Good soil for fish farming is absolutely necessary, especially when constructing a pond. The soil should contain minimum rocks and gravel. Good soil should contain clay layers to support aquatic plants.
I’m happy for your post on fish farming. I’ve a great interest of practicing this farming in Laikipia but I dont have enough knowledge. Can someone please inform me if we have fisheries around Nyahururu and if one can be educated on the same. I’ll be more than happy to receive some answers.
please send me all info or cell numbers and names i can contact on the subject. I am interested in starting a Fish Farm.