- Ethiopia is believed to have the largest livestock population in Africa. Income from livestock ranges from 37% to 87% of total income, depending on the different parts of the country. For example, the income from livestock in pastoral areas of Ethiopia is much higher than in other regions. Interestingly, selling of livestock is primarily to generate income. Individuals who do not need to generate extra income hold onto their livestock.
- Livestock in Ethiopia refers to cattle, goats, sheep, and poultry. Before looking at the process of buying livestock in Ethiopia, however, take note of the different livestock breeds below.
Cattle breeds
The most common breeds are:
- Abigar – This breed is kept mainly for milk. It is found on the border of Ethiopia and Sudan.
- Horro – This breed is also called Wallega or Wollega, and is native to Ethiopia. It is kept for milk, meat, and draft.
- Fogera – This indigenous breed is found mainly on the Fogera plains in the Amhara region. It is kept for draft, milk, and meat.
- Begayt – This is an indigenous Ethiopian cattle breed, and is found in the Western Tigray region. It is kept for draft, milk, and meat.
Goats and Sheep
- Ethiopia has 15% of Africa’s goat and sheep population. Goats are kept for milk and meat in the lowlands, and for meat in the highlands. Goat breeds include Abergelle, Long-eared Somali, Nubian, Gumuz, Keffa, Afar, etc.
- The main sheep breeds include Abysinnian, Chello, Agew, Afar, etc.
- The main chicken breeds in Ethiopia are Tepi, Tikur doro, Gebsima doro, Horro, Jarso, Kei doro, etc.

Next, take a look at the prices to expect when buying livestock in Ethiopia.
Cattle prices
- A calf goes for between 11,000 birr and 15,000 birr.
- A medium-sized cow goes for between 18,000 birr and 25,000 birr.
- A large animal is priced at between 25,000 birr and 35,000 birr.
Goat prices
- Goats are sold at between 2,500 and 5,000 birr.
Chicken prices
- A moderately sized chicken is normally priced at between 350 and 500 birr.
Sheep prices
- Sheep are priced at between 2,500 and 5,000 birr depending on the size and origin.
- The last thing to consider when buying livestock in Ethiopia is where to purchase them. There are livestock markets in every town and several in rural areas. Some markets are designated for cattle only, and others for sheep and goats. It is therefore prudent to find out what is sold at a particular market before making the trip.