Rearing livestock in Ghana is an important activity, as it contributes towards meeting domestic food needs as well and giving farmers a steady income. In Ghana, many farmers are turning to commercial livestock farming, due to the high demand from the domestic market. Many rural households, however, keep livestock for domestic use, only occasionally selling animals when the need arises.
Different regions in Ghana are well-known for the rearing of different kinds of livestock, as listed below. This information will come in handy when buying livestock in Ghana.
- Southern Region – Chicken
- Accra & Ashanti Region – Pig
- Northern Savannah Region – Cattle
- All regions – Sheep and goats.
The next thing to consider when buying livestock in Ghana is the breeds, and more importantly, the price.
The two most common breeds of cattle in Ghana are:
- Naima – this breed is strong and medium-sized with a large head and lyre-shaped horns. The cows stand 100 centimeters high, and the bulls 120 centimeters high. N’Dama cows are fawn, sand or black and spotted in color. These animals are kept for beef, though they can still produce two to three liters of milk per day.
- West African Shorthorn – this breed is small-sized with a flat forehead and short, thin horns. It also has an interesting feature – a long neck with various color markings.
Cattle Prices
- The price of cattle ranges between GH?1000 and GH?5000.
- Bulls fetch more money than cows.
- In Ghana, farmers keep many different kinds of poultry, i.e. ducks, breeding chickens, guinea fowls, ostriches, pigeons, turkeys, pigeons, and quail. Chickens are kept for eggs (layers) and for meat (broilers).
- Chicken breeds in Ghana include:
- Sussex – kept both for eggs and meat, and has a white body with a black neck and tail feathers.
- Rhode Island Red – also kept for eggs and meat. It has brown and black feathers.
- Australorp – kept mainly for eggs. This breed, black in color, is quite hardy.
Poultry Prices
- Turkey prices range from GH? 350 -400.
- Duck prices range from GH? 400.
- Chicken prices range from GH? 15 per kilogram.
- Pig farming is gaining popularity in Ghana, and as such, must be mentioned when considering buying livestock in Ghana. Currently, more than 300 pigs are slaughtered daily in Accra alone.
- Common pig breeds include:
- Landrace – this is a white pig with drooping ears and a long snout. It is popular with farmers because of its ability to farrow and raise large litters. This pig is kept mainly for pork production, as a high percentage of its carcass weight is in the ham and loin.
- Ashanti Black – this is an indigenous, black, and hardy pig breed.
- Yorkshire – this is a white pig with erect ears.
Pig Prices
- A piglet usually goes for around GH?80, and a fully grown pig from GH? 400 – GH?2000, depending on the breed and weight.

Sheep and Goats
- The main breeds of sheep reared in Ghana are:
- West African Dwarf (Djallonké) – adult males weigh up to 30 kg, and females between 20 and 25 kg.
- Sahelian Sheep – a larger breed than the West African Dwarf. It is reared mainly in the peri-urban areas of Ghana.
- The main breed of goat reared in the West African Dwarf, whose males weigh 20-25 kg and females 18-22 kg. This breed is popular because of its resistance to trypanosomiasis, and its intelligence.
Sheep and goat prices
- Sheep are sold for between GH?350 and 400, while goats are sold for GH? 400 and above.
With this guide to buying livestock in Ghana, you are well equipped to decide which areas of livestock farming to venture into, or what to buy at your next trip to the livestock market.